Originally these topics were going to be in different blogs, but after careful consideration, I decided to incorporate them into one, as both these topics usually stem from the same issues. As humans we are innately programmed to protect ourselves on all levels, emotionally, physically, mentally, intellectually, and even spiritually. As we accumulate various experiences, many of which will hurt us, we decide that taking risks are just not worth the potential fallout, and we begin to make futile attempts to exercise what we think is ‘control’. Somewhere along the way we decide, usually unconsciously, that we will avoid whatever might bring us any degree of hurt, pain, humiliation, embarrassment, or failure. We have all done it. But then what? Is this sustainable? No, it’s not. Unless we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, lick our wounds, and get fully back into the game, whatever that might look like, we are simply existing. By nature, we are resilient creatures. Yes mistakes will be made, failure at some point (or at many points) will occur, heartbreak is bound to happen, the proverbial shit will hit the fan. Expect it. Then what? You get up, and you try again. Yet again, I say simple but not easy. In fact, it is hard as hell, but what is the alternative? To stay infinitely broken? That is NOT an option. Career not panning out? Figure out what you.re good at and simultaneously makes you happy, then do that. Someone broke your heart? Mend it. Allow yourself to love and be loved again. A business failed? Chalk it up to experience, learn from it, and try again. Being afraid eliminates all of our choices. It makes us prisoners within ourselves, blocking us from ever experiencing true joy and happiness. The truth is, we have no control, it is an illusion, so relinquish it. Allow things to flow as they need to. We will always regret the things we did not try or give a chance to vs the things we were brave enough to attempt regardless of the outcome.
Social Media
Ahhhh good ole social media….so amazing when it started. It was a great way to find past friends, reconnect with them, and keep in touch.